woensdag 10 juli 2013

The last TV network news from Television Centre in West London

A few outtakes from the BBC News: There is still no deal with Cameron and the Labour party about how to regulate the press. After three months of negotiating they can’t agree with each other. An example of the regulation would be that if you make a mistake on the front page, the correction should be on the front page as well. The big question is whether this is against the press freedom or not.
The BBC moves out of their building, the ‘Television Centre’. It has been her home for 40 years. The BBC moves to ‘broadcasting house’, where the news bulletins are broadcasted from now on.

My opinion
The freedom of press is very important to be a democratic country. If you want to regulate the press, you should do it very carefully, because often press regulation goes hand in hand with a autocratic regime. Of course I know that this won’t be the case in the UK, but I still think that you have to keep the freedom of press as free as it can be.
It’s always hard to move on if you’ve been somewhere for a long time. Although, most of the time it is a good step forward. I expect so with the moving of BBC to broadcasting house. Television Centre is iconic, but it is good to look at the new possibilities of this time, and that needs a new studio in this case. So I think it’s a good thing for the BBC to move from Television Centre to Broadcasting House.

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