woensdag 10 juli 2013

PM wants web firms 'action' on child porn

David Cameron wants web companies to take action to remove pictures of child sex abuse. He says that internet companies and search engines have ‘extraordinary technical abilities’ in categorising the web and calls for more action to root out those disgusting images. In a reaction, Google declares that it has a zero-tolerance attitude on child abuse images. Several internet companies, including Google, have been summoned to a meeting with i.a. the Culture Secretary on June 17.

My opinion
I think that a zero-tolerance attitude is very good when it is about child abuse images. Those images must actively be removed from the internet. However, from time to time we hear about someone who abuses children and has pictures of child sex abuse on his computer. The question is, where does he get them from? I think companies as Google must act more actively against those pictures, because it is extremely disgusting and above all, dangerous for the children: they are the victims of this. To protect them, we have to root out all those images on the internet.

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