maandag 10 juni 2013

Just half of knife attackers get jail

Wilson, G. (2013, June 7). Just half of knife attackers get jail. Retrieved June 10, 2013, from The Sun:

Although Cameron promised anyone (16+) who commits knife crime would be punished with custody, the reality is that only half of them gets in jail. The other half is still walking the streets. Some people see this as a broken promise:  “these statistics show this remains a massive broken promise” (Sadiq Khan, Labour politician). Other people see this more in perspective: “Overall knife crime is falling” (Jeremy Wright, Justice Minister).

I think this is a good example of saying things you can’t live up to. Many politicians suffer from this ‘disease’. Modern politics goes hand in hand with compromises, which means sometimes promises are realized, but just as often they can’t live up to these promises. In this case, it seems impossible to get every knife crime convict in jail, but on the other hand, the main goal is actually achieved: Overall knife crime has decreased.

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